Reflecting on the Past Decade

On 1 July 2014, the Lifetime Support Authority (LSA) commenced operations.

In line with the National Injury Insurance Scheme, the Lifetime Support Scheme was established through a life changing piece of legislation that resulted in a fundamental shift in the way people seriously injured on SA roads are supported.

The LSA delivers the Lifetime Support Scheme (LSS), which was established under the Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013 (SA) (the Act). Through the LSS, the LSA funds necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support for people who sustain very serious injuries in a motor vehicle accident on South Australian roads, regardless of fault.

Very serious injuries include brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, amputations, burns and blindness, and may require a lifetime of support to help people recover to the extent they can and maximise their independence in the community.

The Lifetime Support Scheme was established through a life changing piece of legislation that resulted in a fundamental shift in the way people seriously injured on SA roads are supported.

The LSS provides streamlined access to care that was not previously available to all seriously injured road users. People who sustained serious injuries in a motor vehicle accident prior to 1 July 2014 did not qualify for compensation unless another party was responsible.

This Scheme was introduced by the Labor Government and spearheaded by the then Minister for Health, Jack Snelling.

‘At the time, seriously injured people could only seek compensation if there was someone to blame for the accident. If a driver swerved to avoid hitting a kangaroo or simply lost control of their vehicle in bad weather conditions, they were not able to seek compensation,’ Mr Snelling said.

Prior to the introduction of the Lifetime Support Scheme, each year approximately 40% of very seriously injured people in motor vehicle accidents were left without compensation because there was no-one else at fault. Where compensation was available, funding may have been insufficient to cover the cost of lifetime treatment, care and support, and there were often significant payment delays while the claim progressed through the legal system.

From 1 July 2014, seriously injured people in motor vehicle accidents, experienced a very different and better supported future.

With the introduction of the LSS, the LSA now provides support to seriously injured people and their families at a time of significant distress and adjustment in their lives. The LSS is set up to enable people to enter the Scheme quickly and receive the treatment, care, and support they need for their lifetime. Thanks to this support, participants can focus on progressing their recovery and return to daily life.

The Scheme’s person-centred approach enables participants to focus on their recovery, knowing that the LSA is familiar with their individual story, needs and goals and will provide the treatment, care, and support they need for their lifetime.

The LSA takes a person-centred approach to ensure that the LSS participant is at the centre of everything we do. This means that LSS participants, family and friends play an active role in their rehabilitation. This includes the choice of service providers, monitoring progress towards personal goals and outcomes to enhance the quality of life and be given the opportunity to participate and contribute to their own social and economic life.

Over the last 10 years the LSA has delivered better long-term outcomes and quality of life for individuals who suffer life-changing injuries, as well as their families. The LSA has provided treatment, care, and support to 336 LSS participants with a brain injury, 63 with a spinal cord injury, 63 with amputation and 4 with burns. The LSA has worked tirelessly to ensure that each participant receives the necessary assistance to lead the life of their choice.

Since the Scheme’s inception, the LSS has made a positive difference in the lives of 466 participants.

10-Year Anniversary Events

We have a range of exciting events and initiatives planned throughout the 2024-2025 financial year to acknowledge the Scheme’s 10-year anniversary.

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